Virovitica-Podravina County
Visual Identity  |​​​​  Exhibit Design  |​​​​  Souvenir Design

Visual identity for Virovitica-Podravina County, one of 21 Counties in Croatia, with around 95000 residents.
Projects like this, as great as they are, are never easy, as they're supposed to represent people of all ages, education levels, beliefs, social status', etc. Nevertheless, they are necessary, because Counties are attempting to attract new investors, and need to clearly portray their values. The Virovitica-Podravina County is one of the few Croatian Counties that recognized a need to improve their brand image.
The design process undertook the usual four phases, consisting of research, synthesis, design and implementation. The research helped us create an inspirational story about the County as the place of connection, not division, that connected nature, lands, regions and people for centuries. Even the name Virovitica, which according to historical interpretations means "little door" seems to invite everyone to enter, to discover it, feeling welcome, as if coming home. It's not surprising that the residents are such warm and kindhearted people, hospitable and social, whose doors and hearts are always open to all visitors.
From there, a slogan "Doors wide open" was created, while the new logo communicates this story through a very simple, recognizable symbol that acts as the basis of the County's visual identity. It portrays a wide open door, through which wheat fields and a rising sun can be seen. Warm colors, apart from the friendly connotations, additionally communicate the tradition of sugar and honey production, for which the County is known for.
In this album you can see the first few materials made for the introduction of the identity as well as the Viroexpo International Fair taking place tomorrow in the city of Virovitica. Being brand new, it was important to put the emphasis on the logo. However, the new identity will evolve over the course of the following months.
We're sure the new design will provide new energy and with dignity present to tourists and investors everything this lovely part of Croatia has to offer.
Souvenirs were designed for the introduction of the new logo and as gifts to be distributed on the Viroexpo 2014 international fair of business, crafts and agriculture. They were focused on the logo, but future souvenirs for the County's official use and for sales in the tourist areas will be developed further.​​​​​​​
Viroexpo 2014 is an international fair of business, crafts and agriculture, with over 700 exhibitors.
We designed the representative stand, where visitors can find out all necessary information about the County. 
Design used large black and white nature photos of the County to break apart the colour areas of the stand.
Agency: Manasteriotti DS
Art Direction/Design: Igor Manasteriotti, Mia Marić
Print: Cerovski print boutique
Exhibition stand production: Grafitti Becker

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